La procédure suivante permet notamment de corriger le pb du FortiClient SSL VPN bloquant à 98%. Avant de tenter cette procédure, on peut déjà essayer de juste lancer ifcleanup.x64.exe (ou ifcleanup.x86.exe en environnement 32 bits) ---- 1) Download wan-miniport-repair-v2-x64.exe and wan-miniport-install-x64.exe from the VPNHosting site. 2) Perform backup of actual FortiClient configuration and uninstall FortiClient. Once the FortiClient is removed restart computer. 2a) After reboot run cmd.exe as Administrator and execute netsh int ip reset 2b) Execute wan-miniport-repair-v2-x64.exe, reboot the computer, then execute wan-miniport-install-x64.exe 2c) Reboot the computer and perform installation of FortiClient with config restore 3) After completing step 2 and the client is still failing at 98%, make sure the services listed below are running on the affected PC. Run "services.msc" and ensure the mentioned services are included in list and they have status “started”. - Telephony - Remote Access Connection Manager - Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service If some of those services are not running, then start them and test the SSLVPN connection. From Device Manager, select “View->Show hidden devices”, then open “Network Adapters” and check and that “WAN Miniport (IP)” is enabled and running properly. 4) In rare cases where steps from 2. and 3. will not help, run again cmd as Administrator and execute: netcfg -v -u ms_ndiswanip netcfg -v -u ms_ndiswanipv6 4b. Check device manager: "WAN Miniport (IP)" and should be removed. 4c. Reboot the PC, Windows will detect devices are missing and reinstall it. ----